Contradictory police documents.

Two police officers called to my house and asked if they could come inside.

I agreed and let them in.

When inside, the police officers told me many times that I was harassing my next-door neighbor.

The police said that they were there to give me a strong warning.

Both the officers deny they said this.

A police report later stated that the reason for the two officers calling to my house and coming inside, was to

’’give me words of advice.’’

The reason for their visit was given in a police report as being that I had sent a woman a single text message that was described as

’’not harassing or distressing.’’

I made a subject access request, it showed that there was no record of the two officers visiting my house.

I made the Subject access report into a PDF that can be read here.

When I made a complaint to the police, a report was given to me.

It shows that the officers came to my house that day, but much later in the day.

The officers would not have had enough time to do what is recorded as being done in the storm report.

The more I read the storm report the more it made no sense.

The redaction on the report was easily removed, the redaction had been made by setting the background colour behind the writing to black.

When the background was set to clear, the details could be seen.

I made a PDF showing what I believe to be an altered or faked document together with my reasoning, which can be read here.

In late 2023, I received another copy of that storm report, it differs in many ways from the first copy I was given.

I made that report into a PDF and compared the differences, the PDF can be viewed here.

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