On this page, I am going to share some of his posts on social media as I think that he needs professional help.

I will detail his opinions, comments and actions on the next page.

Mr Simon Griffiths.

A person got in contact with me and told me about something they found very odd in one of Simon Griffiths's videos.

On the top of a letter Simon Griffiths was shredding, were the words "I eat children".

Simon Griffiths was asked if he had written the words on top of the letter.


The above screenshot was sent to me by a woman.

In my opinion, writing "I eat children" on top of a letter and then shredding the letter is not a protest against the BBC.

It is a bizarre act by a man who seems to need help.

On the 31st January 2024 Simon Griffiths sent me this email.

Simin Griffiths has never shown any empathy or concern for the recorded noises.

He denies that the noises were genuinely recorded and has given many different explanations for the noises.

He said that the noises were in my head.

When someone pointed out to him that I would not be able to record noises that were in my head, he changed his narrative.

I do not know Simon Griffiths nor have I ever met him.


Simon Griffths social media account.


Simon Griffths social media account.

I noticed a reference to both Jimmy Saville and children under the age of ten on the YouTube channel of Mr Griffiths.

I found it odd that while I was listening to a recorded conversation, Simon Griffiths suddenly interrupted the lady speaking to ask how old her children were.

Simon Griffiths has posted many bizarre clips and references on his social media.

He refers to Adolf Hitler, Jimmy Saville, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia's Vladimir Putin, and others.

Simon Griffiths posts pictures of himself on social media that show him wearing a mask, some have a Hitler-style mustache drawn on them.

These are some of his social media posts.

Simon Griffiths post about Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

Simon Griffiths comments about Vladimir Putin.

On 18 March 2022, Ofcom canceled the Russia Today UK broadcasting license with immediate effect, after concluding the outlet was not a fit and proper or a responsible broadcaster.

The UK media regulator Ofcom had repeatedly found Russia Today to have breached its rules on impartiality and on one occasion it found it had broadcast materially misleading content.

One of Simon Griffiths references to Jimmy Saville.

Another reference to Jimmy Saville.

Simon Griffiths has gone out of his way for four years to convince people that the noises that were recorded at my former property were not real.

It was Simon Griffiths who said that I threatened to set fire to an 82 year-old disabled woman in her summer house.

He said that I was charged by the police, convicted in court, and that the story had been reported in local newspapers.

His story is a bare-faced lie and can easily be disproved.

The event did not happen, there are no news articles, and my criminal record would show that there was no conviction.

It was Simon Griffiths who told people that I was in prison in 1989.

He then fabricated a story in his effort to convince people that I was a paedophile.

What he said is untrue.

My criminal record would show that I was not in prison in 1989.

News reports concerning the paedophile that he refers to show that the person concerned is a lot older than I am.

I have detailed some of his lies on a separate page at the bottom.

Simon Griffiths has posted about the free Welsh Army, the IRA, and terrorism.

Some of the comments of Simon Griffiths, refer to the 2024 riots.

Others comments are against migrants and the Islamic religion.

Those posts can be read here.

I posted one recording that sounded like a helicopter.

At the time I thought it must have been a big fan somewhere close to the recorder.

I posted the recording on social media to see what other people made of it.

One person suggested that it was the sound of a helicopter and the sound had traveled down the chimneys at the property.

I think that is a likely explanation for that noise.

Simon Griffiths posted this video shortly afterward on his social media.

It can be seen in his video that he is driving dangerously with little or no regard for pedestrians or other road users.

It was not a one-off event, further examples

of his poor driving are here.

I think the lack of care he displayed is suggestive that the man has cognitive issues and needs help.

In July 2022 I wrote to many people to see if they could help Simon Griffiths.

In some of the videos he posted, someone might be bullying him and telling him what to say and do.

We offered a reward of £2,000 in return for anyone who provided us with information that would result in an investigation by the police.

Melissa Frank phoned Simon Griffiths and offered to pay for flights out of the country.

I have detailed some of the lies of Simon Griffiths on the next page.