Jane John is the co-owner of the shop that traded as Sophia nails, yet she has never shown empathy or concern for the recorded noises.

I would have expected her to be very concerned.

I would have expected her to want to help me get to the source of the noises.

What follows is some of what she did do.

Jane John posted this comment.

I stated that the noises were coming from underneath the floor of my basement from the direction of the rear of Sophia Nails and that some of the voices recorded were foreign.

It makes no logical sense that just because there was no video evidence, it would not have anything to do with Sophia Nails.

That toilet was accessed through a door that gave access to both the toilet area and the basement area underneath my house.

That basement was where the noises were recorded.

The toilet was located at the rear of my former property.

It was in a disgusting state.

A Civil Court case between Gareth Edwards, Jane John and myself.

The court case between Gareth Edwards, Jane John and myself came about because we had an agreement to split the costs of the bill for the work that needed doing after the 2007 fire.

A partial new roof was needed at 20 College Street, the roof was above the flat.

The ceiling of the shop needed reinstating, the ceiling of the shop was also the floor of the flat above.

When the repairs were finished, I asked them for their share.

They refused to pay any amount towards the repairs.

They denied that there was any agreement between us, and they said that they had no liability to pay any of the cost involved.

So we ended up in a civil court.

In the civil court case between Gareth Edwards, Jane John, and myself, Jane and Gareth made several counterclaims.

One claim they made was regarding an old right of way to that toilet.

The picture above shows the condition of the toilet when I bought the property.

They argued that the toilet would be used by the customers of their shop when their shop opened and that I should pay to have it re-instated.

The Judge awarded them discretionary damages of one penny in respect of that claim.

The court transcript can be read here.

Another claim they made was for a brick wall that secured the house from the gardens behind to be demolished.

After a discussion the wall was allowed to stay in place.

Yet when I put the house up for sale, and before it had sold, someone demolished that wall.

Jane John posted this comment in response to someone who asked her what was going on in the cellar under her shop.

When I wrote and asked Jane John for permission to put acoustic sonar in her cellar, she ignored my request.

Jane John stated that she would sue me if I mentioned any reference to her tenant being involved with drugs.

Yet she would have known that the leasehold owner of Sophia Nails was Trang Thanh Tran.

Operation Violet Panama.

At the time of initial arrests, police officers recovered sufficient plants to produce between 464kg and 1,394kg of female flowering head cannabis.

At conclusion the estimated street value of the cannabis produced was between £5.7 million and £17.2 million.

Source: SCM LAW - case studies

Photo credit:
South Wales Police - Operation Violet Panama.

The leasehold owner of the shop Jane John co-owns was Trang Thanh Tran, one of twenty-one people convicted in Operation Violet Panama.

The noises were recorded in 2018.

The screenshot from the Land Registry above, shows that the registered leaseholder from 17th March 2011 to 16th March 2021 was Trang Thanh Tran.

The case was reported in Wales online and in other news articles, that Trang Thanh Tran had been convicted for her part in 15 illicit drug factories.

Jane John decided not to sue me for telling the truth.

Jane John made her comment threatening to sue me in 2022.

Trang Thanh Tran was convicted

on 27th September 2019

and received a two year suspended jail sentence.

Jane John posted her comment threatening to sue me, three years after Trang Thanh Tran had been convicted.

In May 2019, I was interviewed by Mr Ben Emlyn Jones.

During that interview, Ben played the listeners of his show some of the recorded noises.

After the interview, Jane John left a comment that stated

’’There are many inaccuracies in Mr Tait’s interview.’’

It follows that Jane John listened to that interview.

What I do not understand is why she showed no concern about the noises that had been recorded.

Ben Emlyn Jones asked her what she considered the inaccuracies were, and invited Jane John to give her point of view on his show.

Jane John left a message saying that Ben Emlyn Jones had not been in contact with her.

This is what Ben Emlyn Jones said after reading her message.

Jane John did not take the opportunity to give her point of view on the podcast of Ben Emlyn-Jones.

Her brother Gareth Edwards contacted Ben Emlyn-Jones and was going to give his point of view on Ben's podcast, but he changed his mind and chose not to.

Jane John posted the following comments on her old Facebook account

I queried why they were so selective and did not show more of the conversations she received.

Jane John deleted her Facebook account and started a new one.

Another two of the comments that were posted on her facebook account stated the noises were

’’vents and foxes’’

and another stated that the noises

’’were obviously street noises.’’

The noises are obviously not street noises, and they are also obviously not the noises of foxes.



Some of the original noises that were recorded

can be listened to here.

Jane John has never suggested a reasonable explanation for the recorded noises.

Yet she knew that no-one was living in the property.

This is a comment that she made after the serious fire in 2024.

Above Sophia Nails is a flat.

The new owner of the flat is a Ltd company that bought the property on 18th June 2021 as can be seen in the title deed.

Sweet Valley properties limited was incorporated on 19th April 2021.

My former house and flat went to auction on 15th May 2021.

On the 4th October 2024, there was an active proposal to strike the company off the register.

A copy of the new owner's title deed can be read here.

Behind Sophia Nails and the flat, is my former house.

The new owner of the property is a Ltd company that bought the property on 18th June 2021 as can be seen in the title deed.

A copy of the new owner's title deed can be read here.

The directors of the limited company are recorded as being two Dutch people.

The noises were recorded between 2018 and 2019.

It would appear from the recent photos below that no one is living in the property.

I wrote to Jane John using the royal mail, and I invited her to give her point of view.

I made the letter into a pdf.

After she received my letter, I received this email from a police officer.

I replied to the police officer.

I did not receive a reply, I have had no communication with that police officer since.

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